Our Goal
To open the Word of God on a consistent and regular basis, and by explanation and application, seek to win our youth to Christ and train them to serve Him. The ministry of music is a vital part of this ministry to encourage our young people to identify and express the enjoyment of God.
Sunday School (When applicable)
At 11:00 a.m. each Sunday, boys and girls from ages two to twelve learn about Bible events, about Bible heroes, and about where they fit into God’s plans as young children today. The stories and truths are presented in a manner suitable to each specific age group. Come and meet new friends, enjoy the special music, and be challenged by the good news about Jesus, trust Him as Savior, live for Him as Lord!
Young People (When applicable)
Our young people enjoy a variety of activities each Friday evening; including monthly gym nights and special weekend retreats. Christian fellowship and growing in the Word of God are the primary focus. Special outreach nights are planned for inviting school friends.
College and Careers (When applicable)
College and Careers is primarily a home Bible study for young people wanting a deeper understanding of Scripture. It is also an opportunity to further fellowship with God’s people.