Schedule of Regular Services
10:00 AM The Lord’s Supper
This is a time of worship, obeying the Lord’s request to remember Him in partaking of the bread and wine; symbols of His body and blood sacrificed in His death at Calvary.
Coffee Break
A short time of fellowship when we have an opportunity to greet visitors.
11:00 AM Family Bible Hour
This is an opportunity for the whole family to join us for an uplifting time of music, and a relevant life-changing message from God’s Word. Classes are arranged for children.
Nursery is provided.
6:30 PM Ministry from God’s Word
We meet to receive help and encouragement as capable Bible teachers bring messages relevant to the Christian life in today’s world.
Nursery is provided as needed.
9:15 AM Ladies’ Coffee Hour
Held weekly, this ongoing ministry combines an informal time of fellowship with outreach. There is often a presentation of interest to women as well as a study from God’s Word. The Christmas and Spring banquets draw many other women with the good food, craft demonstration, and special speaker.
7:30 PM Mid-week Prayer and Bible Study
Every Wednesday we meet for prayer and Bible study. The study is generally in a conversational format where a number of men participate and questions are raised, and the passage discussed. On occasion a missionary or other special speaker may be asked to speak to us.
7:30 PM Ladies Bible Study
Held weekly, this ongoing ministry is a time to study the Word of God together