All true believers from the beginning of the Church to the end of this age are members of the Church Universal. The New Testament teaches (by example and by precept) that believers should join a local church, and participate in the fellowship and activities of that local church. Because of the many false doctrines of our day, and the need to maintain the purity and testimony of the local church, this process is not automatic. The elders of the local church have a responsibility to ensure that those received into the fellowship of the local church are true believers, and are not under the discipline of another local church for reasons of doctrine or sin.
Fellowship includes all the responsibilities and privileges involved in being a member of the local body of believers.
The criteria for coming into the fellowship of the local church meeting at Pine Ridge Bible Chapel are: One must have received the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord; subscribe to the essentials of faith as outlined in the Scriptures (and summarized in this little booklet); be living in such a manner as to not bring dishonour on the Name of our Lord Jesus; and not be under the discipline of another local church.
The process involves three steps:
- Let one of the elders know of your desire.
- Two of the elders will visit you to discuss your salvation, to answer any questions, and to assist in your understanding of the privileges and responsibilities of being a part of the fellowship.
- If it is your desire, and the elders of the assembly agree, they will recommend you to the believers at Pine Ridge.
Visitors are always welcome at Pine Ridge Bible Chapel. Come and join us, and worship the Lord with us.